MAT OUcare is used combined with KS-4310. The KS-4310(Momisure) is an infant and child care product, mainly connected to the babys pajamas or baby belly, and further contact with the babys stomach part, at any time to detect whether the baby is in normal breathing and measuring the babys body temperature changes, which Beyond the warning time without breathing, will immediately issue a warning to prevent sudden infant death; and when the temperature change is too large, will immediately issue a warning.
MAT OUcare is compatible with the following
smartphone / tablet systems:
iPod/iPhone/iPad (at least iOS 8.0)
Recommend adjusting your smartphone / tablet to a screen
resolution of 480x800.
Please close all other APPs using the Bluetooth feature.
MAT OUcare use OUcare Messenger to deliver message to your family while the device detects abnormal breathing movement.